My Values Matter to me and your opinions do too..
Over the last week, there’s been some discussion in the media and online about council’s pay. I thought I’d attempt to explain what's going on. Recently the federal government amended tax legislation to eliminate the tax exemption for elected officials’ salaries.
This change means that city Councillors and mayors across Canada will receive a significant loss in their net income. This legislation puts elected officials at a disadvantage not just for this council, but future councils as it lowers salaries and my salary will be lowered by 16%. The majority of councils across the country have agreed to adjust their salaries to offset the loss of income. Although this is a cost to the taxpayers, it is not an increase to their salaries, it simply maintains their current compensation level.
In January 2017, your mayor and all council members received an increase in their salaries for the first time in 12 years. This was based on the recommendations of an independent management group, The Hay Group, whose research had determined that members of Saint John Common Council and its Mayor were among the lowest paid in Canada.
At the time, I struggled with the decision of council and committed to donating my entire raise in 2017 to local charitable events and organizations. In December of 2017, I had donated over $13,500 dollars into the community and confirmed in detail to which groups. With the changes to the tax laws, my income would be reduced by approximately $10,000 to $51,644 take home.
I did not run for mayor for the money. I am working hard along with my colleagues to drive results for our city and we’re focused on improving the quality lives of all our citizens now and those to follow. Traditionally, the mayor’s job has been compensated as a part-time job. During the campaign, I said that I would dedicate myself to this role full time and I have kept that promise. My salary puts me as one of the lowest paid employees in the city.
Again, I’m not asking for a raise. I am simply asking to maintain my current salary. I think many of you would feel that this is reasonable, but I want everyone to have the opportunity to offer their views.
Why am I doing this you might ask? Because this is not a time to be distracted and I want to put this debate behind us. As It’s been from day one, my focus is on making a lasting and positive impact on our community.
I invite you to take a moment to share your thoughts by going to the link below. The question is simple, “Do you feel that the Mayor, should receive the same net salary, as he did this year?” You will also have the opportunity to share any comments you might have.
I will not compromise my values and have my integrity questioned, because at the end of the day, they’re all I have and they’re worth more to me than $10,000.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this matter.